Pastoral Council

The Pastoral Council communicates with the parishioners and Pastor on various activities in the parish. The elected members serve a three-year term. Meetings are held the first Tuesday of designated months.

Finance Council

The Finance Council is an advisory voice to the parish leader regarding financial and business matters.  The council meets on the first Tuesday of designated months.

Building and Maintenance Committee

The Building & Maintenance Committee oversees all the parish buildings and the maintenance that is needed to keep them operational. The members of the committee meet on the second Tuesday of every month.

Stewardship Committee

The Stewardship Committee plans and implements parish stewardship education and oversees the commitment process of time, talent, and treasure.



Participate as team members to prepare adults to become active members of our faith. RCIA volunteers should be open and welcoming, willing to share their personal faith with others. A time commitment of 1 to 1 1/2 hours per week is needed September through May.

Youth Faith Formation Teacher

Participate as team members to prepare youth to become active members of our faith. The time commitment is one year, 3-4 hours per week, every Wednesday evening from September to April.

Small Faith Sharing Group Leaders

Small group leaders facilitate faith-sharing meetings. Time commitment is 2-3 hours a week. There are two six-week sessions per year. No special skills required, only willingness to learn more about our faith and share it with others.

Small Faith Sharing Group Members

In small groups, the six-week program combines scripture readings, commentaries on the readings, questions for discussion and faith sharing, suggestions for prayer and supplemental readings. Meetings are 1 1/2 – 2 hours per week for six weeks. There are two six-week sessions per year.

Baptism Preparation

Instruct young adults, parents, and others in the sacrament of Baptism. Volunteers should be committed to renewing others’ knowledge of Baptism and reinforcing their faith. Meetings are offered at the parish every third month.


Musical Liturgy


Lead the assembly in music selections, proclaim the response and gospel greeting with enthusiasm. The time commitment is one year, 1 1/2 hours per schedule.

Adult Choir

Eighteen years and older choir members sing at either scheduled mass. Rehearsal is scheduled on Thursday from September to June.

Children’s Choir

Boys and girls in grades 3-8 are invited to participate.  Rehearsal times will be announced. The time commitment is one year.

Youth Choir

All youth of the parish ages 10-18. Time as scheduled 4-6 times per year, September through June.



Duties include unlocking the church, turning on lights and microphone, setting up for Mass (putting out chalice, water, wine, hosts.) Also may be responsible for setting up for weddings and funerals. The time commitment is four hours a week, every six weeks.


Adults to proclaim the Word of God at Mass. Volunteers need to have the ability to speak in public and a willingness to prepare and practice the readings. Training is provided. A time commitment of one Mass, every 2-3 months.

Lectors for Weekday Masses

Adults to proclaim the Word of God at weekday Mass. Volunteers need to have the ability to speak in public and a willingness to prepare and practice the readings. A time commitment of two masses, once a month.


Ushers assist with seating parishioners, collecting monetary offerings, distribute bulletins and tidy up Church for the next mass. The time commitment of 1 hour per week as scheduled.

Gift Bearers

Volunteers are needed to represent the parish at weekend Masses by carrying the gifts to the altar at offertory time. The time commitment of 1 hour per week as needed.

Adult Acolytes

Adult acolytes are ministers of the Word and Cross at the table of the Lord. They assist the celebrant at the altar. Must be strong enough to carry the cross and candles, and agile enough to walk the steps with ease. Training is provided. Length of service is one year or longer. The time commitment of one hour as scheduled, usually Wednesday and Friday at 8 AM Mass and sometimes for funerals.

Youth Acolytes

Youth in grades 4-8 are invited to assist the Celebrant with the liturgy as altar servers. Training is offered once a year. The time commitment is 1-2 hours per month.

Extraordinary Ministers

Adults needed to assist the Celebrant in the distribution of the Body & Blood of Jesus to the congregation. Training provided. Participants are commissioned for three years.

Extraordinary Ministers for the Home Bound

To visit the sick and be able to administer comfort and a smile with those who cannot attend Mass by bringing the good news of the Gospel and prayer. A booklet and training provided. Length of service commitment is one year, and time commitment is one hour twice in eight weeks.

Grief Ministry

As a participant in grief ministry, you need a listening ear and find time to assist others in their grief. Services of this ministry include: meet with family of those departed and plan the liturgy involving family members. Follow up calls two weeks, three months, six months, and later. Send a sympathy card from the parish. Plan memorial Mass and candle ceremony remembering the deceased.

Church Environment – Seasonal

Purchasing, making, organizing, planning, decorating, taking down, and packing away decorations that are put up during the holidays. Length of service commitment is two years. Time commitment varies per holiday, Easter about 4-6 hours one time, and Christmas depends on how many volunteers, and when allowed to decorate.

Church Environment – Plants

Plant seasonal flower in containers, weed grotto and sign area as needed, and remove dead foliage and replace with fresh. Water and fertilize as needed. Length of service is a two-year commitment. The time commitment is 3-5 hours per week (less in winter months more in spring and summer months.)


Holy Name

The Holy Name provides funds for projects vital to the Parish, All Saints Academy, and Mater Dei Catholic High School. Members give time and talent for the Mother’s Day Breakfast and the Auction. Monthly meetings are the second Tuesday of each month. The time commitment is five hours per week.

St. Monica’s Altar Sodality

The Council of Catholic Women’s primary concern is to work for the church and provide necessary items for the altar. Members may be asked to be on a committee or a meeting. The only fundraiser is the spring rummage sale and bake sale. Ladies are asked to lead the Rosary for deceased members and for the months of October and May. Ladies also quilt for the bingos, which is a church fundraiser. Skills helpful for this ministry are quilting, leadership, budgeting, willing to work for God’s calls. The time commitment of twenty hours per four months.

Youth Ministry – Adults

Youth ministry’s goal is to further our youth’s spiritual lives through service, fun, prayer, and worship. Must be a practicing Catholic and have genuine care for young people. It is not necessary to have a strong theological knowledge base, just a willingness to share yourself with youth. Chaperones are always needed on a per project basis to organize and help out with each event. Adults are involved with coordinating all the different activities of youth ministry. Length of time varies with what you are able to give. Meeting dates are noon on the first Sunday of every month at St. Augustine or St. Dominic.

Youth Ministry – Youth

High school age youth immerse yourself in your faith in a fun way with a group of your peers. You have the opportunity to become involved in service projects, sports, fundraisers and the Youth Conference. If you have been baptized Catholic, you’re already in!

Weekly Offering Counters

Money counters count regular Sunday envelopes. They record amounts to be deposited and reconcile them to the total recorded on the envelopes. Must be able to keep sensitive information confidential, operate an adding machine, and be good with numbers. The time commitment is one hour every six weeks after the last weekend Mass.


Collect quilts for bingos, select and hang quilts for all bingos, help quilt extra quilts, collect money, embroider quilt blocks, bring them to be pieced and marked.

Bingo Workers

St. Augustine hosts seven bingos each year to make money for Parish expenses. We set up on Saturday mornings before the bingo on Sunday. Bingo Sunday shifts run from 10:30 AM – 5:00 PM. Workers are requested to work one shift at one bingo per year. Bingos are held in September, October, November, January, February, March, and April.

Funeral Luncheon

Volunteers are needed to bring in pies, cakes, and Jell-O salad to the luncheon. Help is needed to make phone calls for people to help with the luncheon, make food, and clean up. The time commitment is 3 1/2 hours.

Lenten Services

To coordinate Lenten services by inviting others to read, serve, and participate. On Palm Sunday, coordinate an enactment of the Living Passion by the Confirmation class in the evening.

Parish Mailings

Volunteers may be asked to fold letters, stuff envelopes, apply labels and/or staple raffle tickets. The time commitment varies.

Social Justice & Peace Commission

Volunteers need to help educate the parish on the Church’s teaching and Social Justice. Educate the parishioners about particular problems of social justice and peace in the parish and the wider area. Investigate and coordinate the parish’s response to social justice problems in the community.


House of Manna

Day crew prepares bags and boxes for clients using guidelines. Evening crew distributes bags and boxes and records clients on index card in file. Must be able to remove cans from high and low shelves. Must be able to lift bags and boxes of groceries. Must respect the privacy of clients (confidential). Time commitment 1 hour a day. Workers are scheduled to work 3-4 times per year. Contact Marietta Kuhl at 526-7825 for more information.

Knights of Columbus

The Knights of Columbus are the right arm of the church. The Knights of Columbus are dedicated to pro life and through their annual tootsie roll drive donate time and money to those who are mentally handicapped. No special skills needed. Necessary requirements must be a young man who has reached his 18th birthday and pledges to be a practical Catholic. Visit Breese Knights of Columbus Council #2689 at

Pro Life

Volunteers to help with various activities such as prayer, weekly rosary, petitions, Night of Prayer, education, pro life literature, political action alerts, work with the Diocesan Pro Life Office, cluster and Clinton County Citizens for Life, collect baby items, coordinate activities by phone or a meeting. Volunteer should be willing to help with prayer and the ideas and actions that flow from prayer. Contact Roger Foppe at 526-7915 for more information.

Family Life and Education Commission

This commission of representatives is from the following activities and groups the parish sponsors or hosts: Parish School of Religion; All Saints Academy and school board, Mater Dei High School and school board, Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA), Loyola Institute of Ministry Extension (LIMEX), Baptismal preparation class, marriage preparation sessions, Pre Cana, youth ministry, and parish stewardship. This commission is responsible for providing training and counseling for those about to enter marriage. Offer a variety of programs that support, encounter, and encourage the growth in family life. Volunteers need to be able to communicate, share oneself and assist in other’s spiritual growth.

Mater Dei School Board

The Mater Dei School Board is a consultative board established to assist the School Administrator in the governance of the school’s education programs. The Board is responsible for recommending and generating policies with regard to Planning, Policy Development, Financing, Development, Evaluation, and Public Relations/Staff Relations. This is an appointed position and the length of service is 3 years. The time commitment is 3-5 hours per month. Meetings are the first Monday of the month at 7:30 PM.  Please call the parish office at 526-4362 for more information.

All Saints Academy School Board

The services of the school board are: to plan by setting goals and objectives for the school, to promote quality Catholic education, to recommend policies for the school, to review the school budget, to sponsor or participate in activities which pursue those goals and objectives, to evaluate the principal. Elected members serve 3 years. The time commitment is 3-5 hours per month. Meetings are held on the third Wednesday of the month at 7 PM. This is an elected position. Please call the parish office at 526-4362 for more information.