Classes meet every Wednesday, beginning at 6:30pm. Students are expected to be in their classroom at this time for attendance and prayer. Doors open at 6:15pm. Students are to remain in the center hallway until their teacher is present. Classes dismiss at 8:00 pm. We ask that parents or an older sibling accompany first and second grade students from their classroom at the end of the evening.
Religious Education
This religious education program will be experienced using a systemized approach over an eight year period. The students will be prepared for the sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist, and Confirmation, for the involvement in parish ministry.
St. Augustine/St. Anthony
Father Chuck Tuttle
St. Dominic
Father Jim Nall
Classroom Volunteers
This program is targeted to the age levels of 6-13 or grades 1-8. Catechists or teachers will provide faith foundation in a systemized approach with textbooks & materials. Volunteers will team teach with catechist. Time commitment is one school year, 2 hours per week. Every Wednesday 6-8 p.m. Child protection program is mandatory for initial & annual updates. Communication skills, willingness to work with youth. Training by diocese.
Youth Ministry – Teen
The Breese YM is made up of all high school youth who attend St. Augustine or St. Dominic. Youth ministry means living your faith in a fun way with a group of your peers. You have the opportunity to become involved in service projects, sports, fundraisers and the Youth Conference. If you have been baptized, you’re already in! Meetings are held once a month on Sundays at noon.
St. Dominic, St. Augustine, and St. Anthony’s Parish Religion Program was developed to assist parents in providing a Catholic faith foundation for the children of the parishes who attend the public school.
Their faith journey will be patterned on the life of Jesus Christ and on Catholic values including worship/prayer, service, morality/social justice, and our Church’s history from the New and Old Testaments.